Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Lean Blog 2LP

I stumbled across a relatively new lean blog called 2 Lean Principals or 2LP for short. It features lean thinking from Jason Ballard and Tom Riney. Welcome to the lean blogging world, Jason and Tom. I hope to learn much from the both of you.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    There may be some good information within 2LP, but they really need to learn grammar, spelling, and proper vocabulary. Quality first, right?

  2. They have a post recommending that people mark where their computer monitor goes with tape and a p-touch labeler. I'm not sure what I'd expect to learn from that blog after that first post I read.

  3. Mike, thanks for the mention! We follow your blog and we look forward to engaging with you and others in the lean community! - 2LP

  4. Anonymous - thanks for pulling the andon concerning the 2LeanPrincipals site.

    We'll keep an eye on the items that you mentioned as we're always striving for continuous improvement. - 2LP

  5. In response to Mr. Graban's comment, we would ask you to consider the broader view on FMDS rather than focusing on taping the home position for a monitor.

    We recommend you check out our latest post at entitled "Is There Value With FMDS? You Decide. - 2LP
