Sunday, January 02, 2011

Annual Management Improvement Carnival 2010 Training within Industry

For the fourth and final blog review in my contribution to this year’s Annual Management Improvement Carnival, I will feature the Training within Industry blog written by Bryan Lund.

Bryan Lund started his blog back in September 2007 with his passion for TWI and continuous improvement. I saw first hand Bryan’s passion during his excellent presentation at the 2007 Reliable Plant Lean Manufacturing Conference where we both were speakers. He gave a teaching demo of the Fire Underwriters knot exercise for us to understand the TWI instruction process.

Bryan’s blog, Training within Industry, is an outstanding blend of posts on teaching, improving and leading continuous improvement along with personal reflection to stimulate our own lean thinking. Bryan Lund lives and works in the Burlington, Vermont area.

Here are a few of his best for 2010.

Management Reality
Bryan Lund discusses daily self-discipline and his approach as he takes on a new position in his company with the help of TWI pocket card checklists.

Gandhi gets Lean
Bryan Lund faces the challenge of influencing the behavior of one piece flow over batching 5 at a time with a little inspiration from Gandhi.

Do Not Write Work Instructions
Bryan Lund teaches us to stop and think before we jump to writing work instructions by going through a 5W1H thinking exercise.

5S Thinking
Bryan Lund reflects on the purpose of 5S and questions the tracking success metric of the 5S audit score.

Stealing Monkeys
Bryan Lund encourages us to not steal monkeys off the back of others in the name of help them.

Kaizen Teian First, Kaizen Events Last
Bryan Lund presents his thoughts on growing individual kaizen skill before leaping to the large improvements of kaizen events.

Please be sure to continue reading Bryan Lund’s blog, Training within Industry, in the future and comment on his posts.

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